Vada Volaterrana excavations constitute a teacher training course for students of Pisa University, including Erasmus students.
The Archaeological campaigns are carried out in collaboration with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, and they are supported by the Municipality of Rosignano and the Ineos Company, which is the owner of the San Gaetano area.
Moreover, this project includes a Summer School (The Vada Volaterrana Field School).attended by European and Extra- European students (see the website :
The last campaigns carried out in the Southern sector of the archaeological area have brought to light Building I dated to the Augustan Age on the basis of the building techniques and ceramic findings in foundation trenches of the outside walls. It consisted of at least two rooms, one of which was a taberna, as documented by the presence of two bread ovens in the room no. 1 . Most probably these bread ovens continued to be used until the building was enclosed in a new structure (L) built starting from the 70s AD, on the basis of a coin of the Emperor Vespasianus found in the foundation trench between the outer walls of the Buildings I and L.